Livewire™ Cuyahoga Valley
Welcome to Livewire Cuyahoga Valley your premier destination for the future of motorcycling. As part of the Rock-N-Roll City Harley-Davidson Family Livewire Cuyahoga Valley takes your riding experience to the next level by specializing in Livewire's revolutionary electric motorcycles.
Our team is dedicated to bringing Cuyahoga Valley area the excitement of electric two-wheelers. Discover the thrilling and exciting world of Electric Motorcycles with us.
Come meet the team at events where you can demo the electric experience, and have your questions answered.
Test Ride
Test Ride

Transform the every day adventure and beyond with helpful, innovative financing options.
Get Financing
Get Financing

Take a look at our inventory.
Shop Inventory

Visit our shop and explore new apparel, accessories, and replacement parts.
Shop Tees
Shop Tees

Never ridden before? Want to get your license? The New Rider Course will lead you through the steps to learn to ride a motorcycle and get you on the road.
Learn to Ride
Learn to Ride

Rock-N-Roll City Harley-Davidson® is conveniently located near the areas of Lakewood, West Park, Strongsville, Brunswick, and North Royalton.